Good day beautiful people of the ? ! If you haven’t had the chance to listen to Blakk Gold ‘s latest video, you can check out this live rehearsal/jam at @iriefirestudio on our
website’s Music page, our Facebook and YouTube page ???!! It’s one of the bands original songs called “them changes” ?!
Hope you enjoy this version!
You can find the full jam session on the link below ??
#BlakkGolde #BlakkGold #iriefirestudio #iriefire #recordingstudio #recording #mixing #mastering #livemusic #bandrehearsal #RolandPrince #RedPearl #RolandPrinceIntro #randb #soul #rock #blues #jazz #fusion #garden #gingerlilly #orchids #orignalmusic #bandpractice #antigua #antiguaandbarbuda